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Webhooks lets you easily develop push notifications. This push notification is simply a HTTP POST, that is triggered by some action. This is a feature aimed for developers who want to get data from actions (like when a new comment is submitted) that occur on a blog. Only admin level users can add or manage webhooks.

Dating other members by distance and free to message them. There are no hidden catches and we won t credit you for. Don’t overlook mixed-sex websites. One of the worst things you can do is to join the website for a serious relationship when you just want to hook up.

Note: The Webhook settings mentioned on this page do not apply to Business Plan sites using plugins. Various plugins offer similar functionality.

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You can find this feature by adding /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=webhooks to the end of your site’s URL (e.g.

Add a Webhook

You can add a webhook by clicking the Add webhook button and filling out a simple form.

You can choose an action and the fields associated with that action to be posted to the URL. The URL will receive an HTTP POST request when the selected action fires. The post data will contain the selected fields and one additional field called hook, that contains the action title.

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You can edit, delete and activate or deactivate the webhook using the options in the webhook row.

Possible Actions/Fields

comment_postRuns just after a comment is saved in the databasecomment_ID, comment_agent, comment_approved, comment_author, comment_author_IP, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_content, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_karma, comment_parent, comment_post_ID, comment_type, user_id
publish_pageRuns when a page is published, or if it is edited and its status is “published”ID, comment_count, comment_status, guid, menu_order, ping_status, pinged, post_author, post_category, post_content, post_content_filtered, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_excerpt, post_mime_type, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_name, post_parent, post_password, post_status, post_title, post_type, post_url, to_ping
publish_postRuns when a post is published, or if it is edited and its status is “published”ID, comment_count, comment_status, guid, menu_order, ping_status, pinged, post_author, post_category, post_content, post_content_filtered, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_excerpt, post_mime_type, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_name, post_parent, post_password, post_status, post_title, post_type, post_url, to_ping

What would I use something like this for?

Let’s look at a hypothetical example; say I want to get a text message every time a new comment is submitted to my site. First you need to setup a URL that will accept an HTTP POST request with the comment data and then does all of the heavy lifting of taking that data and shipping it off to your phone in the form of a text message. Then you add a new hook via the Webhooks section of the admin area for the ‘comment_post’ action, selecting which fields you want and the URL that you setup earlier. That’s all there is to it, will automatically send an HTTP POST with the fields you selected to the URL you configured for each comment that is submitted. A contrived example to be sure, but it gives you an idea of what the process looks like.

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This article was co-authored by Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Jessica Engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009, after receiving her Master's in Counseling Psychology. Jessica is also a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Drama Therapist with over 10 years of experience.
There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 37,298 times.

Hooking up with a friend can be a lot of fun. After all, you already know you like them! Before you hook up, just be clear about what your expectations and boundaries are. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a long, deep conversation. Just let your friend know what you’re interested in. Start flirting with them, and if they seem into it, see where things go. Remember that it’s important to protect both your emotional and physical safety. You can do that by being honest and keeping lines of communication open. Also, remember to have fun!


Method 1 of 3:
Pursuing a Casual Hook Up

  1. 1
    Decide if you are okay with an informal sexual relationship. Hooking up may sound fun and easy, but it rarely comes without emotions. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and hook up without really thinking it through. But try to think clearly about how you will feel the next day. If you anticipate feeling good about your decision, go for it![1]
    • When you’re out with a group you can drop this information into the conversation. Try, “Sounds like you had fun last weekend! I’d love to have a no-strings-attached thing like that with someone cool.”
  2. 3
    Talk to your friend about your expectations. Before hooking up, take a minute to explain to your friend what you want. This doesn’t have to be a long, in-depth talk. But before things get physical, make it clear that you are looking for a casual hook up, not a relationship.[3]
    • You could try, “I’m really into you, but before we go any further, you should know that I’m not looking to date you. Is it okay with you if this is just some casual fun?”
  3. 4
    Clearly state your boundaries to avoid feeling uncomfortable. Let the other person know if there are things that you are not comfortable with. This might include physical acts or talking to others about the hook up. If you state your boundaries upfront, this can prevent things feeling awkward mid-hookup.[5]
    • Send a close friend a text that says something like, “Hey, I’m leaving this party to go to Brad’s. He and I are going to hang by ourselves for a while. Would you mind checking in with me around midnight to make sure I made it home okay?”
    • Even if you’re not planning on hooking up, it’s a good idea to let someone know where you are whenever you’re out at night or venture away from the group you went out with.
  4. 6
    Practice safe sex to avoid STDs or unwanted pregnancy. If you want a hook up to just be fun and casual, take care to make sure that you aren’t left with any unwanted effects. Use condoms if you intend to have sex, even oral sex. If you’re female, you might consider taking additional birth control.[7]
  5. 3
    Talk openly about your boundaries and expectations. Maybe things will go your way right off the bat. Before you know it, you and your friend might be kissing. But before it goes any further, take a minute to let them know what you are looking for. Explain what your personal and physical boundaries, and what you want to get from hooking up with them.[10]
    • You could say something silly like, “I would have done this sooner if I knew kissing you would be like this!”
    • You can also just say, “Um, I’m enjoying this a lot, but it’s a little awkward, isn’t it?” That can really lighten the mood.
  6. 5
    Accept “no” as an answer if the other person is not interested. If you’ve flirted and maybe even suggested a hook up, you might assume your friend is into it. However, if they say “no” or make any other sort of excuse, you need to respect that. While you might feel disappointed, your friend has a right to make this decision.[12][14]
    • If you’re happy, great! Carry on. If you’re experiencing negative emotions, you might consider stopping hooking up.
  7. 2
    Talk honestly about your feelings. Even though you and your friend aren’t in a traditional relationship, it’s still helpful to communicate.[16]
    • You can try saying something like, “I’m really having fun with you. How are you feeling about hooking up?”
    • You could also say, “I feel like things are kind of awkward now when we hang out in a group. I think we should stop hooking up.”
  8. 3
    Allow a relationship to develop if you both want it to. You might realize that you are interested in being more than friends with benefits. If that’s the case, tell your friend how you feel. Likewise, be open and honest if your friend initiates the conversation about taking things further. If you both want more, discuss what that means to each of you.[18]
    • For example, you might both decide that you want to formalize your relationship. That might mean that you tell other people that you are dating. It could also mean that you start spending more time together doing other things you enjoy.
    • Your relationship is up to you and your friend, and you are the only ones that have the right to define it.

Expert Q&A

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  • How do you ask a friend for a casual hookup?
    Jessica Engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009, after receiving her Master's in Counseling Psychology. Jessica is also a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Drama Therapist with over 10 years of experience.
    Relationship Coach
    It's really helpful to talk about it openly with your friend. Talk about what you're both wanting or expecting, and also discuss what you'd do if one of you decided you didn't want to continue a physical or romantic relationship.
  • Can you still be friends with someone you hook up with?
    Jessica Engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009, after receiving her Master's in Counseling Psychology. Jessica is also a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Drama Therapist with over 10 years of experience.
    Relationship Coach
    Relationships are always changed when you add a physical or romantic component. However, that change can be really lovely, and for some people it really deepens the friendship. For others, they find that's not what they want to do with their friends, but the key to navigating that is to have open communications.
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  • Don’t worry about what other people think. This relationship is between you and your friend.
  • It’s okay to stop hooking up whenever you want to.

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  3. Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 10 February 2021.

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  4. Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 10 February 2021.
  7. Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 10 February 2021.
  9. Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 10 February 2021.

About This Article

Relationship Coach
This article was co-authored by Jessica Engle, MFT, MA. Jessica Engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009, after receiving her Master's in Counseling Psychology. Jessica is also a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Drama Therapist with over 10 years of experience. This article has been viewed 37,298 times.
8 votes - 87%
Updated: March 4, 2021
Categories: Relationships Flirting
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