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So you’re looking for a free dating site in Wales? Lovething does more than just say we’re free… We promise that we’re completely, 100% free for everyone who’s looking for a Welsh dating site. A lot of dating sites claim they’re free, right up until the point where you want to do something useful, like message someone.

Free No Cost Dating Sites In Wales

At Lovething, we’re different. We’ve got over 10 years’ experience in dating online, and we believe dating should be free for all. That’s why, with us, you’ll never have to spend a penny to find your next Welsh date!

Secure – Seriously SECURE

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Free No Cost Dating Sites In Wales 2019

Even though we’re a free dating site, we take your security and safety very seriously. We want to ensure that, when you’re chatting with Chris from Cardiff, Sandra from Swansea, Penny from Port Talbot, or Andy from Aberystwyth, that they are who they say they are.

We do this by working with the best anti-scammer technology available, and by having a customer care team who monitor each profile and photo, and moderate all messages being sent. Because while we’re doing that, you can get on with the serious business at hand of making new friends, dates and experiences.

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We Hate Spam Too!

It’s true. There’s nothing worse than getting messages from people you have absolutely zero interest in. Well...perhaps a papercut’s worse. But we digress! We use artificial intelligence to identify the kinds of people you’re likely to click with, and we try to match you up. That way, you’re much more likely to receive messages from people you’re going to get on with.

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And if that’s not enough, and you prefer more control yourself, then you can adjust your Message Filter in your settings, to refine or expand who you receive messages from. This puts you in control of your Welsh free dating experience. We hope you like it.